“We needed a single view of the truth. We needed to augment our One College philosophy with a business intelligence solution that would provide a single source of truth across all of our operations.”
~Client VP of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
“Without the Microsoft BI solution and Incisive Analytics, we couldn’t offer the increased range of differentiated products that our customers want. The insurance industry lives and dies by numbers. We now have the real numbers and we’re living!"
~Insurance Client CIO and VP of Risk Management
"IA far exceeded my expectations. I never knew data could be so revealing but we learned a lot about how we do business and how to do it better. We understood our rent spread better than ever and began to think differently about what metrics really drive us.”
~Real Estate Client VP of IT
"John wanted $1.5M last year and we blew it out of the water. And I think there’s still $3M to go get. Incisive Analytics totally understood our Instacart sales and included them in our data warehouse. With Incisive Analytics’ business intelligence solution, we know where to hunt for the new opportunities.”
~Retail Client VP Sales
“With applied statistics we better understood our monthly charge-offs by franchise. This new technique in loss predictions saved us tons of money and improved our credibility with franchise owners and other financial institutions...Overall, we saved $2MM per month!”
~Financial Client CFO